This year I decided to have a few boudoir ambassadors to represent my brand. Miss A is one of my new ambassadors. She’s been amazingly open to ideas and to embracing her body and confidence. Needless to say, it’s been a wonderful experience to work with her. Happily, I’d photograph her any day! Recently, I asked Miss “A” to tell me a little bit more about herself. I asked her some questions and think she did a great job with her answers.
A little bit straight from Miss A herself:
Tell me a little bit about yourself:
Sometimes you begin again…
Mother of 3 (5, 5, and 9), full time working, single mommy, some days just don’t have enough hours.
I’ve learned a lot about myself in the last 3 years. Most of all that I am much stronger than I thought.
Originally, I grew up in Iowa and moved to Chicago when all my college roommates moved back to Chicago area. I “fell” into the mortgage industry 18 years ago. Now, I live in Valparaiso, IN, which reminds me much of Iowa City. We wanted our kids to have space, yard, great education. Several days out of the week I work in Chicago.I think I am kind soul. The perfect mix of intro and extrovert….as I love a good crowd and fluttering around like a butterfly but need the next night off and to myself. I’ve been told that I’m crazy sarcastic and love when I meet someone that I instantly connect with and banter with! My kids teach me a lot about life, as I really don’t think you ever stop “growing up” . We stand, walk, run, stumble, fall, sit-up, stand up and do it all over and over again. Each time hoping it doesn’t shock or hurt as much and in the process hopefully get a bit stronger and more sure of ourselves.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
These past few years, I’ve learned even more so that I enjoy the quiet moments, even if it means solo many nights after the kiddos go to bed.I love to run when I find the time and have taken up some strength training with the boys in the weight room at the gym :) When I work out I’m a much happier and sane person than when I do not.
A good night out for dinner and drinks, love live music, like getting my creative on (paint and sips) is always fun.
The kids and I recently have taken up coloring before bedtime. Coloring is very calming and gets the mind quiet. Several years ago I traveled quite a bit and would love to start again. Europe is a must again — I loved it over there. Paris is definitely on my bucket list. And honestly sometimes I just sit. I sit and think …. we run around a lot throughout the week so it’s nice to just SIT sometimes.
Why did you choose to do a session?
I was invited to like Sarah’s VIP group from a woman that I knew back when our husbands worked together. I’d always wanted to do a boudoir shoot- they intrigued me. I think the female form is amazing. I’ve never felt better or sexier than I do now. So, as I started to receive notifications from Sarah’s posts, I saw she was looking for a model for a glitter session. I asked to participate but she had already found someone. However, I jumped on the chance when she was interviewing for her Ambassador role(s) and one phone conversation later, Sarah and I just clicked :)
How did you feel going into your session?
Well, of course I had intended to hit the gym the month prior and get “buff”, a bit more toned etc. But after looking at my pictures I was pleased at the way she worked my curves AND my angles.Sarah had the most adorable assistant. Sort of felt like a mix b/w my mom and my grandma! I called her the hair fluffer and told her she needed to follow me everywhere from then on out!
When I first was in the room with the ladies, I was a bit nervous — but by the end of the session when we were doing the artful nudes I was just that – standing in a dark room completely naked! No second thoughts!
After her session:
How did you feel afterwards?
My lower back hurt! Sarah said it’s not a boudoir shoot unless your back hurts from all the “popping”! I had a smile on my face while driving home. Almost like I had a little secret! I did tell several ladies that day that I had done a photo shoot and they were so curious. Sarah sent me a sneak peek that night because I was so anxious to see my photos. That night I knew I was seeing my boyfriend and wanted a little tease.Ladies are so critical of ourselves. While looking at my pictures I mentioned this or that to my boyfriend and he told me I was being silly. He thought all my photos were phenomenal — sexy and sultry and he’d never seen me look more beautiful.
I imagine that is sort of what Sarah feels like behind the lens….she sees all the possibility and all the amazing that we may not always see in ourselves.
It should be a requirement for ladies (and men too if they want!)….a boudoir shoot at least sometime in ones’ life. It’s very freeing and lets you step outside of your immediate self and see angles you had maybe never seen before.
How did the session change the way you feel about yourself?
I felt different. Like I was seeing a side of myself that I had either never seen before or it had been hidden for so long. I felt alive and inspired. Sarah put up some new pictures on her site tonight and I still feel surprised when I see myself pop up….like “that’s me!” Booty and all. My mom has seen my pictures and is proud.It’s awesome to have something to look at now and as I get older and think “damn, girl….you sure knew how to flaunt it!” Maybe some day if I find myself growing old with another Mr. we can be rocking in our rocking chairs on the front porch reminiscing about when popping one’s back meant something different.
Boudoir sessions:
Anything else you’d like to say about your session or to encourage other women to do a session?
Do it. Just do it. Don’t wait until you are: fitter, toner, blonder, tanner, happier, richer, sexier, have longer hair, have shorter hair, have more tattoos, the kids are older, you think you have more time, you need more time….. do it now. you won’t regret it!