The gorgeous and Sexy Ms. J came into the studio recently for her boudoir session. This gorgeous woman is 56 years old!!! Can you believe that?!
Ecstatic only slightly describes how excited I was when the sexy Ms. J agreed to let me share some of her images. When she first reached out to me about doing a session, she was a little concerned that she was too old to do a session. Um, no, she’s not! Women all the time come in for boudoir sessions at any age. Half the time, you’d never know how old they are based on their pictures! Promising her she’d be amazing and that she wasn’t alone in being a grandma and doing boudoir she booked her session! I’m so glad she did. My hope is that her session showed her how perfect she is and how you truly can be sexy at any age!
As with all of my past boudoir clients I asked the Sexy Ms. J to share a little bit about her session.
Tell me a little bit about you and your session:
I am 56 years old with 5 adult children and three grandsons. I have lived in this area my whole life. In the past I was a former Chicago Paramedic , now EMS educator and corporate and industry CPR/ AED, First Aid Instructor. Recently, I have become separated after 34 years of marriage.
Spending time with my children and grandchildren makes me happy. I love walking my German Shepherd, rubbing my pot belly pigs belly, I love good conversation with my friends.
Doing a boudoir session has been on my bucket list for almost 10 years now. I had been following Sarah Janes Boudoir facebook site and decided I wasn’t getting any younger . Additionally, I am also in a point in my life where I wanted to do something that was all about ME!
Going into my session I was super duper nervous. I’m sure I messaged Sarah a million times with pics of outfits she might think would be best.
After my session I was elated. Proud that I had done a session and I hadn’t felt this way about myself in a very long time.
How did the session change the way I felt about myself?
I feel very excited about myself. Not that I had a major transformation on the outside, but inside I was and still is a changed woman! A more powerful, self reliant, positive, stronger woman .
Just DO IT!! Book a session! Don’t wait till you lose a few pounds, or you start working out, unfortunately , those things may never happen. I think for me this was the beginning of my self love.
If you’d like to see another past session click Here.