April 2022

Ashley | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Ashley is a bright and beautiful 28 year old woman from Lockport IL.  Her boyfriend and her are just a year away from being high school sweethearts. Having met him just a year after high school was good as it was a year for self growth.  Her family and friends mean the world to her.  [...]

Ashley | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2022-04-29T15:03:39-05:00

Tiffany | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


To Tiffany, self-love means accepting and appreciating yourself and your body for exactly how it is.  Flaws and all. Tiffany, tell me a little bit about her self-love journey. "I'm exactly where I should be!  I love me an am genuinely happy and comfortable in my skin.   I have always been confident.  It's a [...]

Tiffany | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-04-04T09:03:42-05:00

March 2022

Casi | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


To Casi, self- love is learning to love yourself, lumps, bumps, scars and all. Knowing your mistakes and forgiving yourself for them. Seeing the stretch marks, cellulite, scars and freckles and knowing you EARNED every single one with a life lived. Loving your body for the amazing things it can do. That has carried you [...]

Casi | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-03-07T14:40:16-06:00

Mariana | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Mariana believes that self-love means the appreciation and alignment with who one is body, mind and soul. "One does not have to like every aspect of herself in order to appreciate who she is. Like art; we can appreciate the value of the piece and have a deep understanding of what it took to conceptualize [...]

Mariana | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-03-04T12:58:13-06:00

February 2022

Sara | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Sara was quick to want to be part of this self-love movement.  I'm honored that she was willing to trust me and let me show share her story. Now, in her 40's Sara understands that part of self-love is taking time for herself both mentally and physically.  Loving herself allows her to be her best [...]

Sara | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-02-10T11:58:44-06:00

Cindy | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Cindy's Self-Love Journey! To Cindy, self-love means acceptance.  Accepting and loving herself for who she is, not just accepting her body with all it's imperfections, wrinkles and scars!   It's also accepting the person she has become through all the struggles she's been through and survived.  Cindy has struggled with her weight most of her [...]

Cindy | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-02-07T14:00:17-06:00

January 2022

Leslie | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Leslie's Self-Love Journey I've known Leslie for almost 20 years now.  That even sounds weird saying it out loud.  How on earth has it been that long?  We can't be that old?!  Just recently, however, I've noticed a change in Leslie.   You can see a new found confidence in her and it's exciting to [...]

Leslie | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-01-29T16:28:58-06:00

Kim | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


To Kim, self-love is embracing your imperfections.   Self -Love is accepting that though we aren't perfect, we've been perfectly made. A little bit about Kim and her self-love journey: "I'm a work in progress! I have learned to embrace that I'm a bit of a hot mess mom. I'm just learning to accept my [...]

Kim | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-01-13T21:51:31-06:00

Karli | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Karli was so excited to be part of this self-love movement.  As a mother to a little girl, she knows how important it is to be loving and accepting to your body.   Karli wants to be a good example to her daughter. Here's some things Karli had to say about her self-love journey: "Self-love [...]

Karli | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-01-07T11:15:06-06:00

Ms. C | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda, IL


Ms. C is a married mother of one little girl.  She works full time, mostly from home.  This beautiful mother thrives on structure and lives what she's sure looks to many as a "vanilla" lifestyle.  Stepping outside of her comfort zone (or running off schedule) sends her anxiety soaring.  Ha!  She sounds a lot like [...]

Ms. C | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda, IL2022-01-04T14:45:01-06:00
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