December 2020

Sammy | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Another session completed and another woman that can see herself in a different light.  Sammy booked a session recently.   After going back and forth on it for some time I was so excited when she finally committed. Sammy is a 23 year old first time mom.   Her little boy just turned one and [...]

Sammy | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2020-12-14T12:19:39-06:00

November 2020

Sexy Maternity | Wauconda, IL Boudoir Photographer


When this sweet Momma to be reached out to me about doing a sexy maternity shoot I was beyond ecstatic.   Maternity boudoir isn't the most common type of boudoir session I shoot but it is certainly one of my favorites.   In my opinion, there is nothing sexier than seeing how amazing the human [...]

Sexy Maternity | Wauconda, IL Boudoir Photographer2020-11-29T18:42:51-06:00

Cindy- Journey to Healthy | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda


Cindy is on a journey to improving her health.  She booked her session to celebrate a significant weight loss.  A 59 year old woman, Cindy lives with her significant other Ed, and they have been together for close to 20 years.  She has two grown children, a daughter who's 40 and a son that is [...]

Cindy- Journey to Healthy | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda2020-11-25T20:11:23-06:00

The Beautiful Jennifer | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Mundelein IL


The beautiful Jennifer booked a boudoir session a couple of months back.  This was honestly one of my favorite sessions as I felt I had connected with her in a way that I don't always get to with my clients.  We had a lot in common and it was nice to see her open up [...]

The Beautiful Jennifer | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Mundelein IL2021-01-11T22:01:56-06:00

October 2020

Rita | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield IL


Rita is a wife and mother.  She works her butt off full time and volunteers when possible.  She has a heart of gold.  Her son is 16 and is her world.  She's a constant work in progress and has been striving to love and forgive herself every day.   In her spare time she loves [...]

Rita | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield IL2020-10-19T17:57:23-05:00

September 2020

Blonde Beauty | Sarah Jane Boudoir| Plainfield, IL


This blonde beauty started messaging me asking all sorts of questions about boudoir shoots.   After talking some things over she decided she was ready to give it a go.   I knew right away that this was going to be a fun session.  No lie, she might just be the most laid back woman [...]

Blonde Beauty | Sarah Jane Boudoir| Plainfield, IL2020-09-02T10:18:11-05:00

December 2019

Sexy Ms. J | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL


The gorgeous and Sexy Ms. J came into the studio recently for her boudoir session. This gorgeous woman is 56 years old!!! Can you believe that?! Ecstatic only slightly describes how excited I was when the sexy Ms. J agreed to let me share some of her images. When she first reached out to me [...]

Sexy Ms. J | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL2022-01-06T13:51:44-06:00

July 2019

Sexy At Any Age | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL


Women are sexy at any age! Recently, I saw a post in one of my boudoir groups asking for suggestions on how to shoot a woman of old ish age. She was speaking of a 44 year old woman! Wow, many ladies in the group got a little heated about this. Forty is NOT old [...]

Sexy At Any Age | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL2021-02-24T20:23:22-06:00

April 2019

Shielah | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL


I was so excited when Shielah booked her recent boudoir session. Over the last year or so she has expressed interest in booking a session a few times. I'm over the moon excited that she finally got the courage to do a session. Shielah is a super sweet mom to several older kiddos. She's spent [...]

Shielah | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield, IL2022-08-26T15:02:13-05:00

March 2019

Miss J | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield,IL


Miss J came into the studio right around Christmas to do a session for her husband. Boy, did she rocked her session! Without a doubt, her husband had to have been pretty excited to get these pictures! A little bit about Miss J: Miss J is a super sweet mom to a couple of small [...]

Miss J | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Plainfield,IL2022-08-26T15:13:54-05:00
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