January 2022

Karli | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement


Karli was so excited to be part of this self-love movement.  As a mother to a little girl, she knows how important it is to be loving and accepting to your body.   Karli wants to be a good example to her daughter. Here's some things Karli had to say about her self-love journey: "Self-love [...]

Karli | Sarah Jane Boudoir Self-Love Movement2022-01-07T11:15:06-06:00

Ms. C | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda, IL


Ms. C is a married mother of one little girl.  She works full time, mostly from home.  This beautiful mother thrives on structure and lives what she's sure looks to many as a "vanilla" lifestyle.  Stepping outside of her comfort zone (or running off schedule) sends her anxiety soaring.  Ha!  She sounds a lot like [...]

Ms. C | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda, IL2022-01-04T14:45:01-06:00

December 2021

Christmas Boudoir | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Oh what fun it is to have a Christmas boudoir shoot!  After our Viking themed boudoir shoot the ladies begged to do a sexy Christmas themed shoot.   Sounded good to me! This Christmas boudoir shoot was so fun and I'm so glad that they suggested this for the holidays.   Most of these gorgeous [...]

Christmas Boudoir | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-12-08T20:01:20-06:00

November 2021

Rachael | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Rachael came into the studio recently for her boudoir session.  This was Rachael's second boudoir session with me.  I am always thrilled to photograph her.  Not only is Rachael a beautiful tall red head, she's down to earth and so fun to talk to.  She was unbelievably stunning at her session.  I think because this [...]

Rachael | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-11-08T09:30:52-06:00

Serena | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Serena is a married, 34 year old mom of three beautiful children.  She works part time as a dental hygienist.  In her spare time, Serena loves to hike and see new places.   She also enjoys trying new foods! Serena had a friend that had a session a couple years ago with Sarah Jane Boudoir. [...]

Serena | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-11-02T08:43:26-05:00

October 2021

Courtney | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Courtney recently came to the studio for her boudoir session.  Leading up to her session she was a little nervous about how the session would go.  I think she was pleasantly surprised that it was less nerve wrecking than she had expected.  Courtney was simply stunning and was so beautiful.   She brought an elegance [...]

Courtney | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-10-26T12:38:09-05:00

Kristina | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Kristina recently came into the studio for a session.  She has been kind enough to model for me a couple of times in the past.   However, this was Kristina's first full session.  There's so much more to full sessions than just taking beautiful pictures.  There's something incredibly rewarding and healing when doing a full [...]

Kristina | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-10-12T14:44:52-05:00

September 2021

Halloween Boudoir | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda


The other day Sammi came to the studio for her boudoir session.  She's always amazing to photograph.   What is super fun about her is that she allows me to try new things and be a little more creative with her session.  At the end of her session I asked if I could do some [...]

Halloween Boudoir | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda2021-09-30T10:37:34-05:00

Brunette Beauty | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


What a gorgeous brunette beauty.  Rachel came into the studio and slayed her boudoir session.  This brunette beauty is on a journey of learning to love herself.  She's struggled with body image issues her entire life.  Having always been jealous of girls with flat stomachs, something she's never had.  While she's been trying to be [...]

Brunette Beauty | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-09-28T20:29:43-05:00

Rhiannon | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL


Rhiannon is a gorgeous 22 year old curvy woman.  She booked a session recently.  You see, Rhiannon wanted to do a boudoir session as a gift for her partner for their anniversary.  My guess, is that this session was so much more for her than she ever realized. Often when I have a boudoir session [...]

Rhiannon | Sarah Jane Boudoir | Wauconda IL2021-09-10T14:17:42-05:00
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